Operation Manual

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Other Information
Safety Instructions
Do not use headphones / earphones while cycling,
driving, or operating any motorized vehicle.
This is dangerous and might be illegal in some areas.
Do not use the product while in motion, such as while
driving, walking, or mountain climbing.
Use the product in a safe place to avoid accidents.
Always be careful to steer clear of nearby objects if you
use the product while in motion.
It is not recommended to use the product during
electrical storms.
Reduce volume or stop using the player if you experience
ringing in your ears.
Do not listen to music via headphones/earphones at high
volume for a long time.
Keep headphone /earphone cords under control in order to
avoid getting caught on nearby objects.
Do not sleep with headphones / earphones in the ears.
Do not use headphones / earphones for excessive periods of time.