User Manual

App Features
The Control page allows you to set the
iSmartAlarm system mode. Your Account
settings, Family settings, notifications and other
systems you’re a member of are also accessed
here. To access these sections, tap the
CubeOne icon in the upper-left corner.
Arm – When the system is set to the Arm, all
Contact Sensors and Motion Sensors are
active. The siren will activate if any sensors
are triggered.
Disarm – This mode will de-activate all sensors
from triggering the alarm. This mode will also turn
off the siren after the alarm is triggered or set to Panic.
Home – When the system is set to the Home, only the contact
sensors are active. Motion sensors will not trigger the alarm;
however, motion sensors will display a log of all detected movement.
This mode allows you to stay secure at home without triggering the
Panic – Double tap twice to turn on the siren and send a push
notification to all members of the iSmartAlarm system.
Custom Modes – Custom modes allow you to create your own
customized set of sensors that can trigger the alarm. To manage your
custom modes, tap Edit in the upper right corner and select Panic.