User's Manual

Remove the insulation tag from the battery compartment of contact sensors, remote tags, and motion sensor.
Place each of the devices in appropriate locations (see examples below).
Download the “iSmartAlarm Home Security System” from your phone’s App Store.
Follow the App instructions for activating the system .Once you have completed the iSmartAlarm App on-screen instructions on your iPhone, ensure
that all sensors and remote tags are registered and show up correctly in the App.
Additional Devices: Additional sensors can be added to the iSmartAlarm home security at any time by going to Device Setting of App, and then
following the prompted steps. Make certain that the new sensor/device has been correctly powered on prior to scanning.
Upon download and installation of App on your phone, you will be required to complete some basic necessary steps to begin using your iSmartAlarm.
The basic overview of steps are as follow:
1. Sign up, following prompts, with accurate information. Please ensure that you provide your phone number which will be used as the alert
phone number when the system is set off