User's Manual

Left & right navigation keys – select Google home screen or
Normal home screen
Up and down navigation keys – In Google home screen,
select google search bar
1 Short press: go to number input screen and input number 1
0, 2~9 Short press: go to number input interface, and input
numbers 0, 2~9.
Long press: Speed dial
Short press: go to number input screen and shift input *
# Short press: go to number input screen and input #
Note: In this manual, “short press” a key means press then quickly release the key; “long press” a key means
press the key and hold for not less than 2 seconds
3.2 Call functions
¾ When the logo of the network service provider appears on the screen, you then may make or answer a call. The info
bar implicates the signal intensity on the top left screen (the 4-scale info bar means the signal is the strongest).
¾ Call quality performs variedly under the influence of the obstacles. Therefore the movement in a small scope may
improve the signal intensity effectively.
3.2.1 Make a call
¾ Domestic call:
¾ You can input the telephone number via numeric keys to input the telephone number you want. Press the dial key. If
you need to change the telephone number, press the right soft key to delete the inputted characters. During the
dialing, the screen will display a “dialing” cartoon. The screen will display the call status information. If the
answering tone is switched on, there will be a warning tone.
¾ When then call ends, please press Hand-up key to end the call.
¾ zone code + dial number + Dial key
¾ Dial the extension to a fixed phone:
¾ Because some of the extensions to the fixed phones can not be got through directly, you need to dial the switchboard
and then the extension to the fixed phone. When you input the telephone number, if insert character “P” between the
switchboard number and the extension number, the mobile phone will complete all the dialing for you, i.e.
automatically dial the extension and get through. Input character “P” as below: Long press “*” key (“P” will appears
on the screen).
¾ Zone code+ switchboard number+ P + extension number + dial key
¾ International call:
¾ To make an international call, long press “*”key until the international long distance call prefix symbol “+”appears
on the screen. This allows you dial in any country even if you do not know the local international call prefix (e.g. it
is 00 in China).
¾ After the prefix is input, enter the zone code of the country you want and the complete dial number. The zone code is
usually subject to conventions, 49 for Germany, 44 for U.K. and 46 for Sweden, etc.