User's Manual

Move to phone/SIM: move the message marked to mobile phone or SIM card.
Unmark: cancel the message marked.
Mark all: Select all messages to be labeled.
Unmark all: cancel all messages to be labeled.
¾ Mark all: select all messages to be labeled.
Delete: delete the message marked.
Unmark: cancel the message to be labeled.
Unmark all: cancel all messages to be labeled.
Copy to phone/SIM: copy this message to mobile phone or SIM card.
Move to phone/SIM: move this message to mobile phone or SIM card.
Copy all: copy all the messages saved in SIM card or mobile phone.
Move all: move all the messages saved in SIM card or mobile phone.
------Delete same number message: Delete all message with same number.
------Add to sms black list: Add the number to message black list.
4.5.3 Drafts
¾ Save messages which will be sent later. When the messages list of Drafts appears, you can press OK to read the
message. You can press Option to perform the following operations:
------ Send: send the message with SIM1 or SIM2.
------ Edit: pick up and edit the contents of the message.
------ Delete: delete the message.
Use number: pick up the numbers with 3 or more digits in the messages. You can call these numbers, send
message to them, or save them in Contacts.
Use URL: pick up the web address in the message and connect to it.
Use USSD: pick up the numbers with 1 or 2 digits in the messages.
Copy to SIM / phone: copy this message to mobile phone or SIM card.
Move to SIM / phone: move this message to mobile phone or SIM card.
¾ Press Option to perform the following operations.
------View: View the details of the message.
------Send: add contact send this message.
------Edit: pick up and edit the contents of the message.
------Delete: delete the message.
------Delete all: delete all the messages in Drafts.
------Mark several: Select one or more messages, and mark.
¾ Mark: Press OK to mark the message. You can press Option to perform the following operations
Delete: delete the message marked.
Copy to phone/SIM: copy the message marked to mobile phone or SIM card.
Move to phone/SIM: move the message marked to mobile phone or SIM card.
Unmark: cancel the message marked.
Mark all: Select all messages to be labeled.
Unmark all: cancel all messages to be labeled.