
www.sziton.com V0.3 - Jul., 2021
9. Revision History
Version Change Content Reviser Date
V0.1 Initial Version Phil Ye 2021.01.26
V0.2 Update RF parameters Phil Ye 2021.06.08
V0.3 Update RF parameters Phil Ye 2021.07.22
List of applicable FCC rules
FCC CFR Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C CFR Title 47, Part 15, Subpart E
Summarize the specific operational use conditons
This module has been granted Single Modular Approval for mobile applications . OEM integrators for host
products may use the module in their final products without additional FCC certifications if they meet the
following conditions . Otherwise , additional FCC approvals must be obtained The host product with the
module installed must be evaluated for simultaneous
transmission requirements The users manua for the host product must clearly indicatethe operating
requirements and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliancewith curent FCC RF exposure
guidelines . To comply with FCC regulations limiting bothmaximum RF ouput power and human exposure to
RF radiationA label must be affixed to the outside of the host product product with the followingstatement .
This device contains FCC ID : VYVAW3155-50-50R
The final Module combinations master need to be evaluated against the FCC Part15B criteria for
unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15 digital device
Information on test modes and additional testing requirement
Consider multi-transmission mode in the host
Additional testing , Part 15 Subpart B disclaimer
When the module is installed in the host, SDoC needs to be evaluated.
Single module procedures
The module has meet the requirements to satisfy the conditions
Trace antenna designs
Not apply.
RF exposure considerations
The host device manufacturer should confirm that a separation distance of 20cm or more should be
maintaned between the antenna of this host device and persons during the host device operation.
The antenna of the product is connected by an external matching circuit of EUT, and the matching
component is a 0Ω resistor.customer can use the FPC antenna with antenna gain isn't greater than 4.4 dBi.
Lable and compliance information
If this certified module is installed inside the host device . then the outsideof the host must be labeledwith "
Contains FCC ID : FCC ID : VYVAW3155-50-50R
ITON Technology Corp. Page 16 of 18