User's Manual

About the 100T-HON Honeywell Telemetry Module
-1346-000 100T-HON Honeywell Telemetry Module Installation Guide 3
Proprietary and Confidential
Itron Security Manager
The 100T-HON telemetry module addresses two types of security, ChoiceConnect networking and 100T-
HON to Honeywell device communication, provided by Itron Security Manager.
ChoiceConnect Networking
The first model is a traditional Itron protocol that includes a complete system knowledge of the content and
purpose of each message. Security related decisions such as which key type (for example, reading or
command keys) to use when securing a message are based on the command function.
100T-HON Telemetry Module Security
The second message model is a telemetry security model. The application level message details are not known
to the ChoiceConnect system components. Messages may contain commands ranging from reading data to
those that update the state of the Honeywell device. The 100T-HON telemetry module allows 100T two-way
requests to be sent and processed through the 100T-HON telemetry module in a basic security fashion, if the
command does not change the security state of the Honeywell device.
Operating Modes
The 100T-HON telemetry module operating modes determine the module's default packet types, bubble-up
rates, and transmit power levels.
Factory Ship. Factory ship mode conserves the module battery between the time it ships from the factory
until it is deployed in the field. In factory ship mode, the module will not transmit but will periodically turn on
its receiver and listen for a command. While the module is in factory ship mode, the module will not attempt
to periodically log onto the Honeywell device to retrieve data.
Audit Mode. Audit mode reduces the read latency time so an audit can be performed on a population of
modules after installation.
Quiet Mode. Quiet mode is very similar to factory ship mode except that the module exits quiet mode
automatically after a pre-configured period of time.
Fixed Network. Fixed network mode is chosen when the device will be read by a fixed network. The 100T-
HON telemetry module behavior varies based on the connected Honeywell device.
EVC. When the module is connected to a Honeywell EVC device, the following message types are
Bubble-up Messages:
Channel-based hourly consumption (NIM-chl)
Handheld and mobile contingency (SCM+)
Optional gas day take (GDT)
Optional Honeywell alarm messages (100T-HON telemetry module Alarm BUP).