User's Manual

Installing the 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Module
2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Module Installation Guide 31
To Program the OpenWay Gas Module
NOTE Itron will be moving to this programming solution in early 2008
1. Using the FC200 and Belt Clip radio, program the reading of the index that was on the
meter into the OpenWay Gas Module assembly.
During programming, the OpenWay Gas Module is programmed to the nearest 100
cubic feet; the last two digits (the tens and units) are programmed as zeros (0). Once
programming is complete, however, the module assembly can be read to the nearest
cubic foot.
2. Slowly turn the OpenWay Gas Module drive wriggler two turns in the direction
indicated on the index drive rate. This lets you verify the module is counting properly
after assembly.
IMPORTANT Do not turn the drive wriggler faster than one turn per second.
3. Read the OpenWay Gas Module assembly using the FC200 and Belt Clip radio.
Consult the EndPoint-Link Programming Guide or other applicable instructions for
details on how to read an OpenWay Gas Module.
If this reading is higher than the one you programmed in step 1 above, the ERT
module assembly is counting correctly.
If the OpenWay Gas Module assembly reading is not higher than what was
programmed in step 1, replace the module with a new one.
Attach the OpenWay Gas Module to the Meter
After the OpenWay Gas Module has been programmed and is reading correctly, follow the
steps below to attach the module to the meter.