
Dimensions shown in mm (inch)
Specifications and dimensions subject to change
Neptune Circular Connectors
Cannon Trident Connectors
Contact Cavity
Neptune Circular Connectors offer com-
binations of Signal and Power contacts.
Mating Face Views of Reversed and Standard Receptacles.
The Signal cavities will accept any of the
standard Trident contacts, including signal
contacts up to 13 A and coax. The power
cavities will accept power contacts rated at
30 A. PCB contacts are also available, for
more information, see page 64.
Shell Size 14 Shell Size 16 Shell Size 16
0 Power 0 Power 2 Power
12 Signal 19 Signal 13 Signal
Shell Size 24 Shell Size 24 Shell Size 24 Shell Size 24
12 Power 4 Power 4 Power 0 Power
19 Signal 20 Signal 28 Signal 48 Signal
Note: The Signal cavities will accept any of the standard Trident contacts, including signal contacts up to 13 A and coax. The
power cavities will accept power contacts rated at 30 A. PCB contacts are also available.
Wire Sealing Range*
Contact Signal Power
Arrangement (Overall Diameter) (Overall Diameter)
(Power- Signal Contacts)
0-12 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) N/A
0-19 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) N/A
2-13 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) 2,70-4,00 (.106-.157)
4-20 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) 2,70-4,00 (.106-.157)
4-28 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) 2,70-4,00 (.106-.157)
0-48 1,70-2,20 (.066-.086) N/A
0-48 (L) 2,30-3,20 (.090-.126) N/A
12-19 1,70-2,70 (.066-.106) 2,70-4,00 (.106-.157)
(L) Larger overall sealing diameter for thick insulation wires
* Describes the range of cable diameters to be used respective layout
Shell Size
Number of Power Contacts
Number of Signal Contacts
The view is of reversed receptacle
Standard receptacle is a mirror image