
Dimensions shown in mm (inch)
Specifications and dimensions subject to change
Cannon Trident Connectors
IP rating Chart
Chart 2 NEMA / IP Cross Reference
The chart above provides a cross-reference from NEMA to International Protection (IP) Ratings. This cross-reference is
an approximation based on the most current information available. It is not sanctioned by NEMA, IEC, or any other
regulatory body. This chart should be used only as a guideline.
IEC 529 NEMA Ratings
Protection Ratings
12 33R 4 4X 5612 13
IP 00
IP 10
IP 11
IP 20
IP 21
IP 22
IP 23
IP 30
IP 31
IP 32
IP 33
IP 40
IP 41
IP 42
IP 43
IP 50
IP 51
IP 52
IP 53
IP 54
IP 55
IP 56
IP 60
IP 61
IP 62
IP 63
IP 64
IP 65
IP 66
IP 67
IP 68