user manual

104 Chapter 5: Creating an iTool
Creating an iTool Launch Routine iTool Developers Guide
user to retrieve the newly-created iTool’s identifier in an IDL variable by including
the IDENTIFIER keyword in the call to the launch routine. The iTool identifier can
then be used to specify the iTool as the target for another operation, such as
The _EXTRA Keyword
Optionally, you can use IDLs keyword inheritance mechanism to pass keyword
parameters that are not explicitly handled by your routine through to other routines.
See “Keyword Inheritance (Chapter 5, Application Programming) for details on
IDLs keyword inheritance mechanism.
Creating Data Objects
If your iTool launch routine allows users to specify data arguments (as opposed to
keywords that are passed through to the iTool component objects), you must process
those arguments and create an IDLitParameterSet object to be passed to the
IDLITSYS_CREATETOOL function. Parameter sets, data types, and general iTool
system data handling concepts are discussed in detail in Chapter 3, “Data
Parameter Sets
Data is passed to a newly-created iTool instance by supplying an IDLitParameterSet
object as the value of the INITIAL_DATA keyword to the
IDLITSYS_CREATETOOL function. To create a parameter set object, use the
OBJ_NEW function:
= OBJ_NEW('IDLitParameterSet', NAME =
where oParameterSet is a named variable that will hold the object reference to the
parameter set object and paramSetName is a string that will be used by the iTool user
interface to refer to the parameter set.
For example, if you are creating a data container to hold X and Y vectors to be plotted
in two-dimensions, you might use the following code:
oPlotData = OBJ_NEW('IDLitParameterSet', NAME = 'Plot data')
See Chapter 3, “Data Management”, and “IDLitParameterSet” (IDL Reference
Guide) for details.
Data Items
The parameter set object holds objects of type IDLitData, or objects of types derived
from IDLitData, such as IDLitDataImage or IDLitDataVector. These data objects, in