User's Manual

Receiving an Incoming Phone Call
When a call comes in to your Ogo, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to Accept the call, Reject
it or Silence it (錯誤! 源。):
Press ENTER to accept the call; the connection will be made and an Incoming Call screen will be
displayed showing the caller's name or phone number, and a call-duration timer (錯誤! 源。):
Caller's name or number:
The caller's name will be displayed if the incoming call is from a number who is listed in your Ogo
Contacts list.
The caller's phone number will be displayed if the caller is not listed in the Contacts list.
Private number will be displayed if the caller's Own number sending option is blocked.
Other options for incoming calls:
ends the incoming call before it is answered and lists it in the Received calls tab.
stops the ring and displays a pop-up window showing the call's origin and offering the
Accept, Reject and Silence options.