User's Manual

EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Rev #/Date: 2.0.0 Beta/07.17.03 8-1
CHAPTER 8: Statistics Counters
The statistics counters defined in this chapter can be:
1) Selected when creating a new monitor in the Monitoring/New
Monitor dialog.
2) Displayed as legends or table headings in a monitor or reports
3) Displayed using CLI commands.
Individual Virtual Station Counters
If statistics for individual virtual stations are selected, one or more
of the following values may be shown.
Individual Virtual Station 802.11 Management Counters
Counter Description
Authentications Number of times the virtual station has Authenticated with
the System Under Test
Deauthentications Number of times the virtual station has Deauthenticated
from the System Under Test
Associations Number of times the virtual station has Associated with the
System Under Test
Disassociations Number of times the virtual station has Disassociated from
the System Under Test
Individual Virtual Station Signal Quality Indication
Counter Description
Rcv Signal
Signal strength indication for the most recently received
Ack Signal
Received signal strength indication (RSSI) in the most
recently received ACK frame
Rcv Rate Data rate for the most recently received frame
Tx SF Rate Data rate for the most recently transmitted short frame
Tx LF Rate Data rate for the most recently transmitted long frame
Individual Virtual Station Frame Counts
Counter Description
Rcv MSDUs Total frames received by the virtual station, all frame types
Rcv Data Data frames received by the virtual station
Rcv Mcast Multicast frames received by the virtual station
Rcv Mgmt Management frames received by the virtual station
Rcv Ctrl Control frames received by the virtual station
Tx MSDUs Total frames transmitted by the virtual station, all frame types
Tx Data Data frames transmitted by the virtual station