User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Communication Machinery Corporation (CMC)
6-30 Rev #/Date: 2.0.0 Beta/07.17.03
set evlog module <module_name> <mode>
<module_name>: WLANTX = 802.11 WLAN frame transmissions,
WLANRX = 802.11 WLAN frame receptions, EE = EmulationEngine
control, VSTA = Virtual station control, UI = User interface actions
<mode>: enable/disable
CMC_EE -> set evlog module EE enable
EmulationEngine Commands
The commands in this group can be used to display and modify
the EmulationEngine configuration.
clear sntpserver -- Clear SNTP/NTP server IP address
clear systemname -- Clear the EmulationEngine system name
del key -- Delete Encryption key
exec -- Execute a command file
ftp -- Software update via FTP
get association -- Display Association Table
get channel -- Display Radio Channel
get config -- Display current EmulationEngine configuration
get countrycode -- Display Country Code
get eemac -- Display Wireless LAN MAC Address
get eemask -- Display Wireless LAN Address Mask
get eestatus -- Display EmulationEngine status
get features -– Display authorized features
get fragmentthreshold -- Display Fragment Threshold
get frequency -- Display Radio Frequency (MHz)
get gateway -- Display Gateway IP Address
get hardware -- Display Hardware Revisions
get hwtxretries – Display HW Transmit Retry Limit
get ipaddr -- Display IP Address
get ipmask -- Display IP Subnet Mask
get key -- Display Encryption Key
get keyentrymethod -- Display Encyrption Key Entry Method
get login -- Display Login User Name
get power -- Display Transmit Power Setting
get rate -- Display Data Rate
get sntpserver -- Display SNTP/NTP Server IP Address
get station -- Display Station Status
get systemname -- Display the EmulationEngine system name
get telnet -- Display Telnet Mode
get tzone -- Display Time Zone Setting
get uptime -- Display UpTime
help -- Display CLI Command List
history -- Display the command line history
ping -- Ping
quit -- Logoff
reboot -- Reboot the EmulationEngine
reset eemac -- Reset the WLAN MAC address to default value
set countrycode -- Set Country Code
set date -- Set the system date
set eemac -- Set WLAN MAC Address
set eemask -- Set WLAN Address Mask
set factorydefault -- Restore to Default Factory Settings