User Manual

Table Of Contents
b. Electronic Toll and Traffic Management means the market for equipment and services which
allow for toll collection and traffic monitoring utilizing vehicles equipped with RFID transponders,
wireless communication, in road / roadside sensors, and a computerized system (hardware and
software) to uniquely identify each vehicle, electronically collect the toll, and provide general
vehicle / traffic monitoring and data collection.
c. Federal Vehicle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs means those vehicle
registration, inspection, licensing and permitting programs administered by an agency of the
United States government under federal law or regulations.
d. Firmware is the machine readable (object code) version of computer programs developed or mar-
keted by ThingMagic and related Documentation. Firmware includes all modifications, enhance-
ments, versions, releases, bug fixes and work-arounds.
e. Local Vehicle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs means those vehicle regis-
tration, inspection, licensing and permitting programs administered by county or municipal govern-
mental under county or municipal laws or regulations.
f. Mobile Payment Applications means fast-food drive thru and fuel dispensing (gasoline, etc.)
applications where the RFID sticker/tag is initially attached to the vehicle but not incorporated at
the point of vehicle manufacture.
g. National Vehicle Registration and Inspection Programs means those vehicle inspection
programs administered by a national, multi-national or regional government other than the
United States and other than any state, local, regional, or other governmental entity within
the United States.
Products shall mean any and all ThingMagic RFID and RFID-related products, including
the embedded Firmware.
Public Sector Vehicle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs means National,
Federal, State or Local Vehicle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs using
RFID products to electronically identify and register vehicles, including passenger data
directly related to a specific vehicle, and validate the identity, status and authenticity of
vehicle identity data, including passenger data directly related to a specific vehicle and
the corresponding back office and violation processing systems and services.
Railroad Locomotive and Wagon Tracking means railroad locomotive and railcar / wagon
identification and tracking using RFID products anywhere in the world except Japan and Europe.
k. State Vehicle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs means vehicle registration,
inspection, licensing and permitting programs administered by state governmental agencies within
the United States government under state laws or regulations.
l. Transportation Market means (i) Electronic Toll and Traffic Management, (ii) Public Sector Vehi-
cle Registration, Inspection and Licensing Programs, (iii) Railroad Locomotive and Wagon Track-
ing, (iv) airport based ground transportation management systems and taxi dispatch, (v) revenue
based parking, and (vi) vehicle initiated mobile payment applications, where the RFID sticker / tag
is initially attached to the vehicle but not incorporated at the point of vehicle manufacture.