User's Manual

Power Management
Functionality of the ThingMagic Nano 83
Power Management
The ThingMagic Nano is designed for power efficiency and offers several different power
management modes. The following power management modes affect the power
consumption during different periods of ThingMagic Nano usage and impact performance
in different ways. The available power management modes are:
Power Modes - set in /reader/powerMode - Controls the power savings when the
ThingMagic Nano is idle.
Power Modes
The Power Mode setting (set in /reader/powerMode) allows the user to trade off
increased RF operation startup time for additional power savings. Our terminology can be
a little confusing. “MINSAVE” refers to the minimum amount of power saving applied,
which results in a higher idle power level than “MAXSAVE”.
The details of the amount of power consumed in each mode is shown in the table under
Idle DC Power Consumption. The behavior of each mode and impact on RF command
latency is as follows:
PowerMode.FULL – In this mode, the unit operates at full power to attain the best
performance possible. This mode is only intended for use in cases where power
consumption is not an issue. This is the default Power Mode at startup.
PowerMode.MINSAVEThis mode may add up to 20 ms of delay from idle to RF on
when initiating an RF operation. It performs more aggressive power savings, such as
automatically shutting down the analog section between commands, and then
restarting it whenever a tag command is issued. MEDSAVE and MAXSAVE are the
same as MINSAVE
PowerMode.SLEEP – This mode essentially shuts down the digital and analog
boards, except to power the bare minimum logic required to wake the processor.This
mode may add up to 20 ms of delay from idle to RF on when initiating an RF
operation. (There is no known disadvantage to using SLEEP mode rather than any of
the M**SAVE modes, since their wake-up times are nearly identical.)
See additional latency specifications under
Event Response Times.