User's Guide

ToolLink User Guide
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas provided with it (MTI MT-262024)
and having a maximum gain of 7dBic. Antennas not listed here or having a gain greater than
7dBic are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50
To reduce radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain is chosen such that
the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than permitted for successful
Keep Antennas Connected at All Times
All ports MUST be connected to antennas when ToolLink is active. Operating the reader without
a proper load may damage the transmitter.
Don’t Block Antennas
DO NOT block antennas with metal objects. A large, conductive object directly in front of the
antenna may reflect back enough energy to damage the radio transmitter.
Best Practices
For best results, follow these guidelines when attaching tags to tools.
DO NOT place directly on metal.
Maintain at least 1/4" separation between tag and metallic/conductive objects.
Maximize separation from metal.
Avoid battery packs
Can't scan through metal containers
Metal drawers must be open at least 3" during scan.
Metal lockers must be open during scan.
Avoid high-traffic, high-contact areas