User's Guide

ThingMagic M3e User Guide
1. Be marketed and sold with the module built inside that does not have to be end-user accessible/
replaceable, or
2. Be end-user plug-and- play replaceable.
In addition, a host product is required to comply with all applicable FCC equipment authorizations,
regulations, requirements and equipment functions not associated with the RFID module portion. For
example, compliance must be demonstrated to regulations for other transmitter components within the host
product, to requirements for unintentional radiators (Part 15B), and to additional authorization requirements
for the non-transmitter functions on the transmitter module (for example, incidental transmissions while in
receive mode or radiation due to digital logic functions).
To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring
compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational. For example, if a host was previously
authorized as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without a transmitter
certified module and a module is added, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that after the
module is installed and operational the host continues to be compliant with Part 15B unintentional radiator
requirements. Since this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the host, we will
provide guidance to the host manufacturer for compliance with Part 15B requirements.
Physical Dimensions
The dimensions of the ThingMagic M3e module are shown in the following diagram and table:
Module Dimensions