User's Manual

On the declaring radio during an emergency call declaration, the talk group that the
emergency is declared on is temporarily displayed and then the word
“EMERGENCY” flashes on the second line of the display.
For an emergency alert declaration, “EMERG ALERTappears in the bottom line of
the display.
For an emergency call declaration, other radio users and/or dispatchers at consoles
will hear the emergency signal, a distinctive 3-tone burst. They will also hear audio
from the declaring radio‟s “hot” microphone, if any.
For an emergency alert declaration, only dispatchers at consoles will hear the
emergency signal and, if any, audio from the declaring radio‟s “hot” microphone.
For an emergency call, the declaring radio‟s microphone remains “hot” for a
predetermined amount of time. In other words, the radio transmits audio for a
period of time even when the microphone‟s PTT button is not pressed. Audio is
transmitted over the emergency talk group. When the microphone is “hot” for this
initial period (typically ten seconds), simply speak into it for voice transmission.
If an emergency declaration is not successful, the radio will periodically re-attempt until it
is successful. During this retry period, the radio will flash “EMERG PEND” on the bottom
line of the display. It will display “EMERG RETRY” for each attempt.
7.26.2 Silent Emergency
When this feature is enabled and an emergency call or alert is declared by pressing the
emergency button, the radio will not play a tone and will display an abbreviated emergency
message (default is EBA). This feature is enabled or disabled via programming or via the
If the Silent Emergency feature is enabled or disabled via programming, the
setting will survive power cycle. Enable/Disable selection via the menu will
NOT survive power cycle and the enable/disable state will revert to the
programmed setting at power up.
7.26.3 Clearing an Emergency Call or Alert
Check with the system administrator to ensure that the radio is programmed
to allow an emergency to be cleared.
If enabled via programming, clear an emergency by:
1. Pressing and holding the CLEAR button and simultaneously pressing the emergency
2. After the Emergency Cleared Tone sounds, release both buttons.
If the radio is in stealth mode, clearing the emergency will take the radio out of
stealth mode.