User's Manual

9.11.1 Menu Selection
1. Press the MENU key and then use the RAMP control to scroll through the
selections until SQUELCH is displayed. Then press MENU (select) again.
2. The display will show SQLCH=xx, where "xx" is the value between 1 and 16.
3. Use the RAMP control to scroll through the values. Then press the MENU (select)
key to save the new value after the display time-out (2 seconds). The displayed value
will be selected and saved.
4. If the MENU or CLEAR key is pressed before the time-out, the menu feature will exit
and the squelch level will not be updated. The original value will be restored.
9.11.2 Pre-Programmed Keypad Key
1. Press the pre-programmed key and the display will indicate SQLCH=xx, where "xx" is
the value between 1 and 16.
2. Use the RAMP control to scroll through the values. Then press MENU to save the
new value or wait for the display time-out (2 seconds). The displayed value will be
selected and saved.
3. If the CLEAR key is pressed before the time-out, the squelch level will not be updated
and the original value will be restored.