User's Manual

(2.1.21) LR2 – Long-range Reply for function requests "B, C, E, and F"
Speed over ground, value to 0,1 knot
Course over ground True, value to nearest degree
Longitude, E/W (position co-ordinate, to 1 min.)
Latitude, N/S (position co-ordinate, to 1 min.)
UTC time of position
Date: ddmmyyyy, 8 digits
MMSI of responder
Sequence Number, 0 to 9
(2.1.22) LR3 – Long-range Reply for function requests "I, O, P, U and W"
Persons, 0 to 8191
Ship type
Ship breadth, value to nearest m
Ship length, value to nearest m
Draught, value to 0,1 m
ETA Time, value to nearest second
ETA Date: ddmmyy
Voyage destination, 1 to 20 characters
MMSI of "responder"
Sequence Number, 0 to 9
(2.1.23) NAK – Negative acknowledgement
Negative acknowledgement’s descriptive text
Reason code for negative acknowledgement
Unique identifier
Affected sentence formatter
Talker identifier