User's Manual

The performance and longevity of this equipment depend on careful maintenance. To maintain the best
performance, the following periodic inspections are highly recommended.
(1) Keep the power supply voltage within the specified value (19-35Vdc).
(2) Know the condition of normal status when the equipment is properly functioning. Keep comparing
the current status to the normal status to immediately detect any malfunctions.
Do not attempt to check or repair the interior of this equipment by non-qualified
service personnel, as doing so may cause fire, electric shock or malfunction. If
any malfunctions are detected, contact our service center or agents.
6. 1 General Maintenance and Inspection
Below are listed general maintaining and inspecting items, which can be done with usual tools and
No. Item Maintenance and inspection
1 Cleaning
Gently clean the surface of the panel, knobs, switches, and cover with soft
cloth or silicon oil. No oil is needed because this unit has no moving
mechanisms inside.
of parts
Inspect for looseness and correctly tighten the following:
Screws, nuts, knobs, switches and connectors.
3 Fuse
When checking and replacing the fuse, be sure the power is off.
If the power source fuse is blown, be sure to inspect the cause before
replacing the blown fuse with a new one.
4 Unit
Check whether there is discoloration of parts mounted to the unit.
When exchanging a unit, contact our service center or agents.