User's Manual

1.1 Outlines
Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a maritime navigation and radio communication system. This
system intends to enhance the safety of life at sea, the safety and efficiency of navigation and the
protection of the marine environment by communicating navigational information automatically on VHF
channels between ship to ship and ship to shore.
JHS-183 meets the requirements of the SOLAS Conventions for the Class A shipborne equipment of
the universal AIS. JHS-183 mainly consists of AIS Transponder, Connection Box and AIS Controller.
The combined antenna and transponder design allows installation at any convenient location on any
vessels. The small and simple design controller allows easy installation and operation. JHS-183
employs the latest technologies such as digital signal processing, circuit integration technology,
complies ensure high performance and high reliability.
1.2 Features
٨ Fully
Complies with International Regulations
JHS-183 is designed to meet the requirements of the SOLAS Conventions for the Class A shipborne
equipment of the universal AIS and fully complies with international regulations: IMO MSC74(69) Annex
3, ITU-R M.1371, IEC61993-2, IEC60945 etc.
٨ Combined Antenna and Transponder for Ease of Installation
JHS-183 employs the combined antenna and transponder design. This design allows installation at any
convenient location on any vessels. For the connection between
above deck component and below
deck component, only one cable is needed.
Increased Probability of Vessel Detection
JHS-183 is equipped with a guard zone alert function. When preset guard zone range and other vessel
enters into the zone, JHS-183 indicates and sounds the alert. This function enhances probability of
vessel detection.
Recognition of Own-group Vessels
JHS-183 is equipped with a recognition of own-group vessels function. When preset own-group vessels’
identification in advance, the display indicates the own-group vessel sign. This sign allows easy
recognition of own-group vessels.
Self-diagnosis Function
JHS-183 is equipped with a built-in automatic self-diagnosis function. This function allows easy
maintenance and high system reliability.
System Integration Availability
JHS-183 is equipped with various interfaces. These interfaces allow system integration and future