User's Manual

Press  key or  key in order to select a desirable message in the display list in “TX TRAY” screen,
and then press ENT key. The selected message is displayed in ”TEXT VIEW SCREEN”.
” mark in the front of a message number indicates not transmitted message.
In order to display SUB menu screen, press SUB key at the list screen or text view screen.
Select [DETAIL VIEW] and press ENT key, detail information screen is displayed with the following
1. Transmitted or edited date and time with UTC.
2. FORMAT: 9 digits MMSI for “ADDRESSED”
3. Other items (CATEGORY, FUNCTION, REPLY, CH) of message type: Refer to the above selected
TX message detail information screen.
4. ACK (Acknowledgement):
(1) Set “REPLY ON” at “ADDRESSED”, ACK display is as follows:
“ACK: OK” is displayed at received ACK.
“ACK: NG” is displayed at not received ACK.
(2) Set “BROADCAST”, its display is as follows:
“TRANSMIT OK” is displayed at succeeded transmission.
“TRANSMIT NG” is displayed at Failed Transmission.
When return to SUB menu screen, press CLR key at TX message detail information screen.
In order to edit newly a message, select [EDIT] at the selected message’s SUB menu screen, and then
the screen is switched to “EDIT AND TX” screen for message type setting.
In order to delete the selected message, select [DELETE] at the selected message’s SUB menu screen,
and then the message is deleted.