Instruction Manual

Maintenance & Inspection
The performance and lifetime of the equipment depend on the appropriate maintenance.
This chapter describes the maintenance and inspection, self diagnosis, and outline of adjustment.
6.1 General maintenance & inspection
In order to operate the equipment under optimum conditions, it is vital to perform regular inspections and also, to
keep accurate records. Inspections enable problems to be identified before they become major malfunctions.
The following inspections should be made regularly.
Inspection items Procedure
1 Antenna system Check that antennas and the connectors are secure.
2 Squelch operation
Lift the handset of the controller with the access rights, and turn
the SQL control fully counterclockwise. Check for noise from the
speaker. Check noise to be suppressed by turning the SQL
control clockwise.
Receiver condition checked
by speaker output.
Check that the voice level and noise level are not abnormally
loud or soft.
4 Handset PTT switch
Press PTT and check that the unit transmits immediately and
that TX is displayed on the screen.
Transmission and reception
checked by performing radio
Check that normal conversation is possible.