Instruction Manual

If the victim has no pulse and is not breathing
(Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.) Figure 2
If the victim has no pulse, his or her pupils are dilated, and if you cannot detect a heartbeat, the
heart may have stopped, beginning artificial respiration is critical.
(1) Put both hands on the diaphragm, with hands on top of each other keeping both arms straight
(If your elbows are bent, you cannot push with as much power). Press the diaphragm with
your body weight until the chest sinks about 2 cm (about 50 times per minute).
(2) If administering first aid when alone:
Perform the heart massage about 15 times then blow in twice. Repeat this routine.
If administering first aid with two people:
One person performs the heart massage 5 times, and the other person blows air in once.
Repeat this routine (Heart massage and “mouth to mouth” resuscitation used together).
(3) Constantly check the pupils and the pulse, if the pupils become normal and the pulse steadies,
keep them in a laying position and give them something warm to drink, be sure that they rest
(do not give them any alcohol). In any case you have to entrust major decision making to a
doctor. Having understanding people around is essential to the victim’s recovery from the
mental shock of electrocution.
(Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.) Figure 2