User's Manual

z Transmitter
Antenna output power
(JSS-2250/ 2500)
- 3999.9 kHz
AC 200Wpep / 400Wpep
24VDC 100Wpep / 100Wpep
- 27500.0 kHz
AC 250Wpep / 500Wpep
24VDC 150Wpep / 150Wpep
Modulation method Low-power stage balanced modulation
Occupied bandwidth J3E/ J2D/ H2B : Within 3 kHz
F1B/ A1A : Within 0.5 kHz
Carrier suppression (J3E) 40 dB or more
Unwanted emissions in the
out-of-band domain
(JSS-2250/ 2500)
Mean power of 50 mW or lower, or 67/70 dB or more lower
than the mean power of the basic frequency
Unwanted emissions in the
spurious domain
At J3E:
1.5 to 4.5 kHz : 28/28 dB or more
4.5 to 7.5 kHz : 35/35 dB or more
7.5 kHz and upwards : 64/67 dB or more
At F1B:
0.25 to 0.5 kHz : 28/28 dB or more
0.50 to 1.25 kHz : 35/35 dB or more
1.25 kHz and upwards : 67/70 dB or more
And following
Mistuned frequency [Hz]
ttenuation [dB]
Overall distortion and noise -20 dB or less
AF frequency response Deviation is within 6 dB in 350 Hz to 2700 Hz range.
Tone frequency 1500 Hz or 1400 Hz
z Receiver
Receiving system Double superheterodyne
1st IF 70.036 MHz
2nd IF 36 kHz
Reception frequency stability Within ±10 Hz
Sensitivity (SINAD 20dB) J3E : 2.5 uV or less (1605.0 to 27500.0 kHz)
F1B : 0.7 uV or less (1605.0 to 27500.0 kHz)
A1A : 1.4 uV or less (1605.0 to 27500.0 kHz)
Pass band/Adjacent signal
J3E : 2.4 - 3.0 kHz (6 dB bandwidth) within
±2.1 kHz (66 dB bandwidth)
F1B : 270 - 300Hz (6 dB bandwidth) within
±550 Hz (60 dB bandwidth)
Spurious response J3E : 60 dB or more
F1B : Symbol error rate of 1% or better at a wanted
signal level of 10 uV and an unwanted signal
level of 31.6 mV separated by 750 Hz
Blocking/Desensitization J3E : When an unwanted signal level separated by 3
kHz is added to the wanted signal level of 10
uV, the unwanted signal input voltage
suppressing output of the wanted signal by 3
dB is 10 mV or more.
F1B : Symbol error rate of 1% or better at a wanted
signal level of 10 uV and an unwanted signal
level of 1 mV separated by 500 Hz