User's Manual

(1.2.3) RMC – Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
$--RMC,, A, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, x.x, x.x, xxxxxx, x.x, a, a, a *hh<CR><LF>
Navigational status
Mode indicator:
A = Autonomous, D = Differential,
E = Estimated, F = Float RTK,
M = Manual input, N = Data not valid
P = Precise, R = Real Time Kinematic
S = Simulator,
Magnetic variation, degrees, E/W
Date: dd/mm/yy
Course over ground, degrees true
Speed over ground, knots
Longitude, E/W
Latitude, N/S
Status: A = data valid, V = navigation receiver warning
UTC of position fix
(1.2.4) GNS – GNSS fix data
$--GNS,, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, c---c, xx, x.x, x.x, x.x, x.x, x.x, a *hh<CR><LF>
Navigational status
Differential reference
station ID
Age of differential data
Geoidal separation, m
Antenna altitude, m, re: mean-sea-level
Total number of satellites in use, 00-99
Mode indicator:
N = No fix, A = Autonomous, D = Differential,
P = Precise, R = Real Time Kinematic, F = Float RTK,
E = Estimated, M = Manual input, S = Simulator
Longitude, E/W
Latitude, N/S
UTC of position