User's Manual

Target Tracking Function Test is provided to test if the target
tracking function is operating normally. Thus, do not use the
function except when you test the target tracking function.
Note especially that, if this function is used during actual
navigation, simulated targets are displayed and may become
confused with other actual targets. Therefore, never use this
function during actual navigation.
When a large value is set as an association condition, a tracked
target near an AIS target is identified as the AIS target and may
thus disappear from the display.
For example, when a pilot vessel equipped with the AIS function (a
small target which is not a tracked target) goes near a cargo vessel
which is a tracked target without the AIS function, the tracked
target symbol for the cargo vessel may disappear.
Since these alarms may include some errors depending on the
target tracking conditions, the navigation officer himself should
make the final decision for ship operations such as collision avoidance.
Making the final navigation decision based only on the alarm may
cause accidents such as collisions.
When setting an automatic acquisition zone, make sure to properly
adjust gain, sea-surface reflection suppression level, and
rain/snow reflection suppression level so that the optimal target
images are always on the radar screen. The automatic acquisition
zone alarm will not be activated for targets undetected by the
radar, and it may result in accidents such as collisions.
Any adjustments must be made by specialized service personnel.
Incorrect settings may result in unstable operation.
Do not make any adjustments during navigation. Failure to comply
may result in adverse effects on the radar function which may lead
to accidents or equipment failure.
Any adjustments must be made by specialized service personnel.
Failure to comply may result in accidents or equipment failure.
Make sure to shut off the main power before replacing parts.
Failure to comply may result in electrocution or equipment failure.