User's Manual

PI Parallel Index line
Past positions Equally time-spaced past position marks of a tracked or AIS target and own ship.
POSN Position
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
The number of radar pulses transmitted each second.
PROC Process
Radar signal processing function
Radar beacon A navigation aid which responds to the radar transmission by generating a radar
signal to identify its position and identity
Radar cross-section Radar cross-section of a target determines the power density returned to the
radar for a particular power density incident on the target
Range Rings A set of concentric circles labeled by distance from CCRP.
Reference target A symbol indicating that the associated tracked stationary target is used as
a speed reference for the ground stabilization
Relative course The direction of motion of a target relative to own ship motion
Relative speed The speed of a target relative to own ship’s speed data
Relative vector A predicted movement of a target relative to own ship’s motion
RM Relative Motion
A display on which the position of own ship remains fixed, and all targets move
relative to own ship.
RM(R) Relative Motion. Relative Trails.
RM(T) Relative Motion. True Trails.
ROT Rate Of Turn
Change of heading per time unit.
Route A set of waypoints.
RR Range Rings