User's Manual

When pulse is beating but breathing has stopped
(Mouth-to-mouth respiration) Fig. 1
1 Tilt the victim's head back as far as this face looks back. (A pillow may be
inserted his neck. )
2 Push his jaw upward to open his throat wide (to spread his airway).
3 Pinch the victim's nostrils and take a deep breath, block his mouth completely with
yours and blow into his mouth strongly. Take a deep breath
again and blow into his mouth.
Continue this 10 to 15 times a minutes (blocking his nostrils).
4 Carefully watch that he has recovered his natural breathing and atop
practicing artificial respiration.
5 If it is difficult to open the victim's mouth, insert a rubber or vinyl tube into one of his
nostrils and blow into it blocking the other nostril and his mouth completely.
6 When the victim recovers consciousness, he may try to stand up suddenly, but let
him lie calmly and serve him with a cup of hot coffee or tea and keep
him warm and quiet. (Never give him alcoholic drinks. )
Method of mouth-to-mouth respiration by raising head
Fig. 1 Mouth-to mouth respiration
(1) Raise the victim's head. Support his
forehead with one of your hand and his
neck with the other hand.
When you tilt his head backward, the
victim, in most cases, opens his mouth to
the air. This makes mouth-to mouth
respiration easy.
(2) Cover his mouth as widely as possible with
yours and press your cheek against
his nose→②
Or, pinch his nostrils with your fingers to
prevent air from leaking. →③
(3) Blow into his lungs. Continue blowing into
his mouth until his breast swells.
Blow into his mouth as quickly as
possible for the first 10 times.