User's Manual

JMA-9100 Instruction Manual > 3.BASIC OPERATION > 3.7 USE ROUTE FUNCTION
3 Color for the route alarm line (Off-Track Limit Line)
Route alarm lines are displayed on both sides of the center line of the route.
For this item, set which color is used to display each line.
1) Open the WPT/Route Setting menu by performing the menu
operation below.
2) Left-click the set value of the item, and
select an operation mode. Display character size (SEL NUM/Comment Size)
Specify the size of the numeric value and character displayed on the radar display.
Display character size
(SEL NUM/Comment Size)
:Specify the size of the numeric value and character displayed on
the radar display.
Waypoint bearing vector
(Waypoint Vector)
:Set the method to display line between next Waypoint and own
Display of bearing distance to the
destination(Status of Origin/DEST)
:Select the start point to be used for the bearing/distance display in
the Waypoint data display area.
ON/OFF of Waypoint number display
(WPT Number Display)
:Set whether or not to display Waypoint number next to the
Waypoint mark.
Waypoint update
(Waypoint Switch Mode)
:Set how to update Waypoint number when one Waypoint has been
Area A (IALA-A)
The port-side is red and the bow-side is green
along the traveling direction.
Area B (IALA-B)
The port-side is green and the bow-side is red
along the traveling direction.
: Area A
: Area B
Route alarm lineRoute alarm line
Traveli ng dir ecti on Tr aveli ng dir ection
Route Alarm Color: Area A Route Alarm Color: Area B
2. WPT/Route Setting
8. Off-Track Limit Line