User's Manual

JMA-9100 Instruction Manual > 3.BASIC OPERATION > 3.7 USE ROUTE FUNCTION
1) Insert a flash memory card into the card slot.
2) Open the File Operations menu by performing the menu
operation below.
3) Left-click the button.
The file name input screen will appear.
For the input method on the character input screen, see Section "Entering a
4) After having entered a file name, left-click the button.
The entry of the file name will be finished.
Confirmation Window will appear.
5) Left-click the button.
The route data will be saved with the specified file name. Loading route data (Load)
Route data is loaded into the radar system from a flash memory card.
Flash memory card (option) is necessary.
Once route data has been loaded into the radar system from a
flash memory card, the route data that has been saved in the
radar system is overwritten and erased. Route data that has
been erased cannot be resaved. Note that important route data
should be saved in a flash memory card.
4. File Operation
3. Save
1. Yes