User's Manual

3.2.6 Suppress Rain / Snow Clutter [AUTO-RAIN]
When using the rain / snow clutter suppression function,
never set the suppression level too high canceling out all
image noises from the rain or snow at the close range.
Detection of not only echoes from the rain or snow but also
targets such as other ships or dangerous objects will
become inhibited.
When using the rain / snow clutter suppression function,
make sure to choose the most appropriate image noise
suppression level.
Using the manual rain / snow clutter suppression mode
Procedures 1 Adjust the rain / snow clutter returns of the display by turning the
[AUTO-RAIN] dial until targets can be easily observed.
Turning [AUTO-RAIN] dial clockwise suppresses rain / snow clutter returns.
Turning [AUTO-RAIN] dial counterclockwise intensifies rain / snow clutter returns.
When the [AUTO-RAIN] dial is turned clockwise, the rain / snow clutter suppression
function suppresses rain / snow clutter returns and gets targets hidden by rain / snow clutter
returns to appear of the display. However, be careful that excessive suppression may
cause small targets to be overlooked. Since the rain / snow clutter suppression function
also has the effect of suppressing sea clutter, the suppression efficiency improves when the
[AUTO-RAIN] dial is used with the [AUTO-SEA] dial. In general, turn the
[AUTO-RAIN] dial fully to the left.