User's Manual

3.6.6 Operate User Map File (File Operations)
[I] Loading navigation data (Load User Map)
Procedures 1 Insert a flash memory card into the card slot.
Flash memory card (option) is necessary.
For the insertion and removal of the card, see HOW TO INSERT AND REMOVE A
CARD in the appendix.
2 Open the File Operations menu by performing the following menu
1. Mark Setting
3. File Operations
3 Press the [1] key to select a card slot.
Slot1 and Slot2 of the Select Card Slot items are switched.
4 Press the [2] key to select Add or Overwrite.
Add and Overwrite of the Load Mode items are switched.
When Add is selected, new data is added to the saved data. When Overwrite
is selected, the saved data is overwritten.
5 Press the [3] key.
The list of navigation data saved in the system will be displayed.
6 Press numeric keys corresponding to the file to be loaded.
Confirmation Window will appear.
7 Press the [1] key.
The selected navigation data will be loaded and displayed of the display.
[II] Discarding navigation data (Unload User Map)
Procedures 1 Open the File Operations menu by performing the following menu
1. Mark Setting
3. File Operations
2 Press the [4] key.
Unload Confirmation Window will appear.
3 Press the [1] key.
The saved navigation data will be discarded.