User's Manual

[6] Process Switch Range
Set the boundary range of a specific area.
This function is enabled when Range Fix is selected in [4] Process Switch.
The specific area turns out to be a circle with the own ship’s position as the center.
The boundary range can be set in units of 0.1 nm, ranging 0.1 to 25.5 nm.
[7] Fast Target Detection
This function displays fast moving targets that are suppressed in scan-correlative process mode.
This function is enabled when 3Scan CORREL , 4Scan CORREL , or 5Scan CORREL is
selected as the video process mode.
If unwanted waves remain of the display, suppress them by using the [SEA], [RAIN], or [GAIN]
dial, or adjusting the interference rejection mode.
Off : Disables the Fast Target Detection function.
On : Enables the Fast Target Detection function.
3.8.2 Set Radar Trails (RADAR Trails Setting)
This function enables the setting of detail information about radar trails processing.
Procedures 1 Press the [TRAILS] key for 2 seconds.
The RADAR Trails Setting menu will appear.
Detail data about radar trails processing can be set by changing the settings of each
menu item.
After the settings for radar trails processing are changed, targets’ trails may not be displayed or
trails may be plotted with unwanted waves. Thus, do not make a significant change in the
[1] Trails Mode
Set the radar trail display mode.
For details on the trail mode, see Section 3.4.8.
[2] Trails Reference Level
Select a radar video threshold level required for plotting radar trails.
The radar video threshold level increases in order of
Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 .
To plot radar trails with unwanted waves, change to a higher level.
To thin radar trails, change to a higher level.
If radar trails are plotted in snatches, change to a lower level.