User's Manual

4.1 Use of Navigation Tools
4.1.7 Using MOB [MOB]
The marker (anchor symbol) function displays a dotted line from the marker input position to the
radar station position, and indicates the range, bearing, and required time from the radar station
position to the marker. (The navigator needs to be connected.)
Procedures 1 Press the [MOB] key.
A marker will be displayed at the radar station position on the radar display at the
moment when the [MOB] key is pressed. The radar station and the marker are
connected with a dotted line.
Cancellation 1 Press the [MOB] key for 2 seconds.
The marker will disappear.
4.1.8 Operating EBL, VRM, and PI with Cursor
When the cursor mode is set to AUTO (upper right of the display on page 2-3), EBL, VRM, and
PI can be operated simply by using the trackball and the [ENT] key.
[I] Operating Electronic Bearing Line (EBL)
Procedures 1 Put the cursor on EBL1 or EBL2, and press the [ENT] key.
When the cursor is moved to it, EBL1 or EBL2 is shown at the upper right of
the cursor. The EBL becomes operable when the [ENT] key is pressed.
2 Move the cursor to the bearing to be set.
The EBL will move as the cursor moves.
3 Press the [ENT] key.
The EBL will be fixed.