User's Manual

7.1 Settings at Installation
7.1.5 Range Adjustment
Make adjustment so that the range of a target on the radar display is shown correctly.
Procedures 1. Search the radar display for a target of which range is already known.
2. Open the Serviceman Menu.
3. Open the Range Adjustment menu by performing the following menu
1. Adjust Menu
3. Range Adjustment
4. Adjust the range adjustment value so that the target measured in step
1 is adjusted to the correct range. (For inputs to the value input
screen, refer to Section 3.3.4.)
5. Move the cursor onto the ENT button, and press the [ENT] key.
7.1.6 Navigator Setting (Device)
(Not used on the JPL-600-MK2 for VTS)
Determine whether to connect navigators to the radar equipment.
Only the navigators set to ON here can be used.
Procedures 1. Open the Serviceman Menu.
2. Open the Device Installation menu by performing the following menu
2. Installation Menu
9. Next
3. Device Installation
3. Select On for navigators connected to the radar equipment, and
Off for navigators not connected.
GYRO : Gyro (via GYRO I/F)
Compass : Compass (Compliant with IEC61162)
GPS Compass : GPS compass produced by JRC
Log : Log (via GYRO I/F)
2AXW : 2-axis log (Speed over water: Compliant with IEC61162)
2AXG : 2-axis log (Speed over ground: Compliant with IEC61162)
GPS : GPS (Compliant with IEC61162)