User's Manual

9.1 Fault Finding
Message Description ALR No.
Speed (GPS) GPS speed: No communication or data error. 114
PROC (Interrupt) Process unit: Interrupt error. 962
PROC (AZI) Process unit: AZI error. 305
PROC (HL) Process unit: HL error. 306
ASIC1 to RADAR Error during interrupt from ASIC1 to RADAR DSP. 963
PROC (Video) VIDEO error. 303
PROC (Trigger) Trigger error. 304
Heading (Data) Heading data: No communication or data error. 113
Depth (Data) Water depth: No communication or data error. 115
TEMP (Data) Water temperature: No communication or data error. 117
Wind (Data) Wind direction/velocity: No communication or data error. 118
Current (Data) Tidal current: No communication or data error. 119
ROT (Data) Rate of Turn: No communication or data error. 120
RSA (Data) Rudder Sensor Angle: No communication or data error. 121
Autopilot (Data) APB: No communication or data error. 101
Fan (LCD) LCD monitor: Fan error. 955
SRB (Data) SRB: No communication or data error. 960
Datum (Data) DTM: No communication or data error. 122
Out of Bounds Own ship's latitude is over 85°N or 85°S. 123
Table 9-2 List of Notification
Message Description ALR No.
CCRP Changed CCRP is automatic changed.
Weather INFO Weather information is received.
Copying Display is capturing to file.
Set GYRO Requires setting of true bearing.
TM Reset Use care of resetting TM.
POSN Reset Change the latitude and longitude sentence.