User's Manual

JMA-9172-SA Instruction Manual > 3.BASIC OPERATION > 3.7 USE ROUTE FUNCTION
3 Correcting latitude / longitude of a Waypoint (LAT/LON)
The latitude / longitude of a Waypoint in the route data saved in the radar system are
1) Open the Waipoint Input menu.
2) Left-click the Waypoint Scroll button.
Left-click to show the desired latitude / longitude.
3) Left-click the Latitude / Longitude button to be corrected.
The latitude of waypoint is reversed.
4) Enter a latitude / longitude.
A Waypoint will be corrected.
For the input method on the latitude / longitude input screen, see Section "Entering
latitude/longitude". Correcting Planned Speed (Planned Speed)
Planned Speed of the route data saved in the radar system is corrected.
1) Open the Waipoint Input menu.
2) Left-click the Waypoint Scroll button.
Left-click to show the desired planned speed.
3) Left-click the Planned Speed button to be corrected.
The planned speed of waypoint is reversed.
4) Enter a planned speed.
A Planned Speed will be corrected.
For the input method on the numeric value input screen, see Section 3.3.4 "Operation on
Numeric Value, Latitude / Longitude and Character Input menu".