User's Manual

Chapter 4
Alarm name
Alarm name
Class Description
ᖹ⾜⥺࣮࢝ࢯࣝ㡿ᇦእ P-CURS(Out) Status The floating position of the parallel cursor in the latitude/longitude
floating setting is out of the radius of PPI
Table 4.5-7 Error message list and alarm list for operations
Alarm name
Alarm name
Class Description
᪉఩ࢹ࣮ࢱ↓ࡋ No Heading Data Status Cannot function because own ship heading is not available
y Operations for specifying TT acquisition/numerical display
y Changing to TM
y Changing to N Up/C Up
ࣉࣜࣄ࣮ࢺ୰࡛ࡍ On Preheating Status Transmission operation during preheating
᧯స㛫㝸ࡀ▷࠸࡛ࡍ Short Interval Status Transmission operation in the interval of 1 second or less between
standby and transmission
࢚࣮ࣛⓎ⏕୰࡛ࡍ Error Occurring Status Transmission operation during prohibition of transmission caused
by scanner error
᭱኱Ⅼᩘ࡛ࡍ Max Point Status Exceeded the maximum number of marks
ࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ↓ࡋ File Not Found Status File does not exists
እ㒊࣓ࣔࣜ↓ࡋ USB Memory Not Set Status USB memory does not exists
ࣇ࢓࢖ࣝㄞ㎸ࡳኻᩋ File Read Error Caution Failed to load the file
ࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ᭩ฟࡋኻᩋ File Write Error Caution Failed to write the file
✵ᐜ㔞୙㊊ Not Enough Space Status Insufficient capacity
ࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࢵࢺኻᩋ Format Error Caution Failed to format
ࣇ࢓࢖ࣝᩘ࣮࢜ࣂ࣮ Num of files Over Caution Writing data to the USB memory in which the number of the file
has reached to the maximum
ࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ๐㝖ኻᩋ File Erase Error Caution Failed to delete the file
デ᩿⤖ᯝ NG Self Test NG Caution Diagnosis NG
⮬⯪㧗⦋ᗘ࣮࢜ࣂ࣮ LAT(Out of Bounds) Caution The own ship's latitude is 80 degrees or more (indicating that some
functions are limited)
y Displays AIS, waypoint, mark/line, own ship trail, etc. for 80
degrees or more
y Input operations for 80 degrees or more (refer to "High
Latitude" alarm)