User Manual

Table Of Contents
Command Line Interface
Serial Interfacing Commands
Note: The frequency defined by CHAN parameter is not valid if Frequency Hoping mode is selected.
In the Frequency Hoping mode, the Frequency Pattern generator must generate the random numbers
smaller than the number of frequencies listed in the unit's frequency list.
3. Serial Interfacing Commands
3.1. DPORT
The DPORT is an object that responsible for data port interface configurations like Bit Rate, Flow
Control, etc.
DPORT [Parameter Name] [Parameters List] [/?]
(only for firmware
version 1.8)
Base Unit
0 - No Retransmission in the wireless cluster
1- There is Repeater
Remote Unit
0 - Auto Detect (Base or Repeater)
1 - Receive from Repeater
2 - Receive from Base
Parameter Name Parameter List
Parameter Name Parameter List
RATE 0 – Maintenance Port baud rate, a default setting
1 – 1200 baud
2 – 2400 baud
3 – 4800 baud
4 – 9600 baud
5 – 14400 baud
6 – 19200 baud
7 – 38400 baud
8 – 57600 baud
9 – 115200 baud, a default setting
BITS Set number of bits in one byte (8 or 7)
8 is a default setting
PARITY 0 – None, a default setting
1 – Odd
2 – Even
FLOW 0 – None, a default setting
1 – Not used
2 – HW (RTS/CTS)
RS 0 - RS232, a default setting
1 - RS485
2 - RS422
use save, boot commands to activate modification
DATATX 0 - UART, a default setting
1 - USB
2 - BT