User Manual

Table Of Contents
Command Line Interface
Special Commands
The BOOT command with no parameters selects the user settings defined by the prior “parameterized”
BOOT commands.
4.2. HELP
The HELP command types the list of all available commands:
HELP- Display this usage
BOOT- Reboot the unit
LINK- Set RF Link Operation Mode
DPORT- Set Data Port Configuration
MPORT- Set Maintenance Port Configuration
ALARM- Alarm Indication and Alarm Control Configuration
SLEEP- Set Sleep Mode Configuration
STATE- Display Status and Statistics
SAVE- Save Current Configuration into Configuration File
INFO- Display Product ID along with Hardware/Software Versions
ATI- Display Product ID along with Hardware/Software Versions
MAP- Operates with Channel Map
DATAMODE- Exit Command Mode
[COMMAND] /?- Display Command Usage
4.3. SAVE
The SAVE command is intended to store the unit’s currently used configuration into the User
Configuration file. The configuration stored in the User Configuration file is activated by automatically
after unit’s reboot.
4.4. SLEEP
The SLEEP command determines the sleep mode parameters. The sleeping AW435BT can be activated
by real-time CLK, DTR/RTS lines, and command received through TTL inputs. The user can select one,
two, or all three conditions.
SLEEP [Parameter Name] [Parameters List] [/?]
Parameter Name Parameter List
CLK 0 – Do not activate by internal real-time clock
(1 – 255) – Activate by internal real-time clock after 100 to 25500 msec of sleeping
HW 0 – Do not activate through DTR/RTS lines
1 – Activate through DTR/RTS lines