User's Manual

Chapter 1
External extra rugged digital high power UHF radio transceiver programmable in frequency ranges from
406 to 470 MHz. It has GMSK, DBPSK, DQPSK, 4FSK, D8PSK, and D16QAM modulations with
advanced forward error correction and data scrambling. The output power is programmable up to 4 W.
Figure 1-1. HPT404BT
The HPT404BT radio transceiver provides a high-speed Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint wireless
data transfer at up to 38.4 kbps. HPT404BT supports user selectable modulation techniques (GMSK,
4FSK, DBPSK, DQPSK, D8PSK, or D16QAM), which allows the user to achieve the highest data speed
for a given range (up to 16 miles / 26 km). It also includes a selectable error correction, which improves
the functioning of the radio modem under interference.
The sophisticated features of HPT404BT include data scrambling, frequency hopping, user selectable
transmit output power level, low power consumption sleep modes, autoscanning and plug-and-play
installation for remote terminals.
The built-in software tools provide the wireless link testing, unit’s status and error statistics monitoring as
well as unit’s settings change over the air. The firmware of the HPT404BT radio transceiver resides in a
flash memory. The updating of the radio modem programs is entirely software-based. The flash memory
is re-programmable through an RS232 interface, USB, Bluetooth, or over the air. The unit’s user settings
can be changed through the built-in Command Line interface (CLI), Tracy Software or through
1. Other names for marketing purposes are HPT404, AW400BT, AW400 and AW400AF