User's Guide

M. 10 Instructions to prevent reasonably foreseeable misuse:
A battery incorporated in the equipment and a battery together with it associated components (including cells and electric power generators) shall be so constructe that an electric
shock or fire safeguard failure (for example, flammable chemical leakage causing fire or insulation damage) is unlikely, taking all reasonably foreseeable conditions into account. If
applicable, this shall include extreme conditions as specified by the manufactuere, such as:
high or low extreme temperatures that a battery can be subjected to during use, storage or transportation; and
low air pressure at high altitude.
Where providing safety devices or design in a battery or equipment is not reasonably practical considering the functional nature of the battery or equipment containing a bat-
tery, instructional safeguards in accordance with Clause F.5 shall be provided to protect the battery from extreme conditions or user's abuse. Examples that shall be considered
replacement of a battery with an incorrect type that can defeat a safeguard (for example, in the case of some lithium battery types);
disposal of a battery into fire or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing or cutting of a battery, that can result in an explosion;
leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature surrounding enviornment that can result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas;
a battery subjected to extremely low air pressure that may result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
v1.0 Nov 2019, first Release
v2.0 Feb 2020 update regulatory statements
v3.0 March 2020 updated storage conditions
v4.0 March 2020 updated IP68 statements
v5.0 March 2020 updated Safety statements
v6.0 March 2020 Final document ready