Owner's Manual

Powered Speaker Systems
A Closed System Architecture…
There is much confusion these days in the world of powered speakers, especially when it comes to dening
“performance”. What constitutes “exceptional performance”? Is it wattage ratings, driver dimensions, cabinet
dimensions, sound pressure levels, tone? It can get very confusing when you’re confronted with a barrage of
specications from manufacturers all claiming to have the “best performance”. A self-powered speaker is really
a “system” unto itself — it’s a “closed system”. Unlike a passive speaker, where amplier and signal processing
chain components can be interchanged or upgraded, the powered speaker is a “closed system” that operates
as a single unit. When properly designed, all of the components are chosen to work together, complementing
each other to create an environment where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The cabinet volume
needs to support the mechanical performance of the speaker which is impacted by the power amplier’s
performance which, if there is Digital Signal Processing on the input, is affected by the DSP programming.
Some manufacturers simply stick an amplier on an existing speaker cabinet and call it a “powered speaker”
(technically correct), while more experienced companies, like JBL, spend hundreds of man hours optimizing the
relationship between the components in order to maximize amplier and speaker efciency, spectral balance,
tone and dependability. Here at JBL we not only work hard on the system but on our proprietary components as
well. Products like Differential Drive
speakers, for example, are patented designs born from years of dedicated
research and development into acoustical and transducer science. No one else has access to this technology,
and Differential Drive® speakers have been tested on worldwide concert tours for years.
Harman Professional “Green Edge™” Mission
At Harman Professional we understand and respect that we have a duty to serve our customers and
our employees by serving the planet. We accept that responsibility and strive to be energy efcient and
environmentally minded in our everyday business. When we design, produce, and deliver our products we look
for opportunities to do so more efciently and sustainably. We’re committed to a healthier planet and healthier
life for every living thing. JBL is proud that PRX800Ws have been certied “Green Edge” compliant by Harman
Professional. We’ve not only lowered our Carbon Footprint, but the CF of any one who purchases them.