Owner's Manual

To connect to the PRX800W speakers via WI-FI, perform the following:
1. Download the app from www.jblpro.com then install it.
2. Power on all PRX800W speakers in your setup.
3. The application will display a welcome screen — select “SET UP A NEW SYSTEM”.
4. Enter the name of the band and the name of the venue.
5. Select NEXT.
6. Go to the back of each speaker and set it to Access Point mode by pressing and holding the CONNECT
button for 2 seconds — the CONNECT LED will begin ashing slowly.
7. Select NEXT once all speakers have been set to Access Point mode (ashing slowly).
8. Go to your device’s Wi-Fi settings and select any network labeled PRX800 xx.xx.xx.
9. Come back to the PRX Connect application and press NEXT.
10. Enter your router’s name, the security protocol, and the router password.
11. As each speaker begins to connect to the router, the CONNECT LED will begin ashing rapidly then light
solid once connected. (Note you may need to repeat this step if any speaker continues to have a ashing
12. After the CONNECT LEDs light solid on all speakers, you can now continue with the layout and settings for
each speaker and the entire show.
13. For more details on the show setup and additional features, please see the complete application manual at