User's Manual

3 Series MkII models bearing the CE mark include an automatic low-power standby feature that reduces power
consumption when no signal is detected for a period of twenty minutes. When used in professional applications
in which auto-low power standby is not desirable, the feature can be disabled. The feature is enabled by default.
Use the following procedure to disable the auto-low power standby mode:
1. Power speaker OFF.
2. Set BOUNDARY EQ to the “0dB” setting.
3. Set HF Trim to “+2dB” setting.
4. Set the VOLUME control to “1” (full counter-clockwise setting).
5. Power the speaker ON.
6. Within a period of 5 seconds following power-ON:
Set BOUNDARY EQ to the “-3dB” setting and...
Set the HF TRIM switch to the “-2dB” setting.
7. The front panel LED will ash for 5 seconds indicating the low-power auto-standby mode has been
disabled and will remain disabled upon subsequent power cycles.
Use the following procedure to enable the auto-standby mode:
1. Power the speaker OFF.
2. Set BOUNDARY EQ to the “-3dB” setting.
3. Set HF TRIM to the “-2dB” setting.
4. Set the VOLUME control to “1” (full counter-clockwise setting).
5. Power the speaker ON.
6. Within a period of 5 seconds following power-ON:
Set the BOUNDARY EQ switch to the “0dB” setting and...
Set the HF TRIM switch to the “+2dB” setting.
7. The front panel LED will ash for 5 seconds indicating the low-power auto-standby mode has been
enables and will remain enabled upon subsequent power cycles.