User Manual

PRESETS – Provides access to six factory presets and six registers that can be used to save user-created
settings of EQ and Delay parameters.
u Load
Load Factory Preset
[1] EQ Flat
2: LF Boost
3: LF Cut
4: HF Boost
5: HF Cut
6: HPF
u Save
Save User Preset
8 {[Preset_1] (Preset_2; … ; Preset_6}
Default name is “PRESET_1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Preset naming is possible using ROTARY
CONTROL and ENTER key. Pressing ENTER Key consecutively toggles ROTARY
CONTROL function, allowing you to either MOVE CURSOR or MODIFY CHARACTER
SPEAKER SELECT – For identication, you can assign a standard channel name to the speaker selected
from this list.
u {[Left]; Center; Right; Left Side Surround; Right Side Surround; Left Rear Surround; Right Rear Surround;
Left Front OH Surround; Right Front OH Surround; Left Rear OH Surround; Right Rear OH Surround}
FRONT PANEL LED – Select “DISABLED” to defeat the illumination of the front panel LED indicators.
u {[Enabled]; Disabled}
u Settings – When selected, displays current
- IP Address
- MAC Address
- Subnet Mask
- Gateway
u EDIT – When selected allows editing of Network Settings
u EDIT DHCP Setting
{[DHCP]; Manual IP} Selecting MANUAL allows editing of
- IP Address
- MAC Address
- Subnet Mask
- Gateway