Stereo Amplifier User Manual

© Jeff Rowland design gRoup 2007. all Rights ReseRved.
Before attempting any system interconnection, please familiarize yourself
with the front panel control of the Model 312 Stereo Power Amplifier.
(1) FRONT PANEL STANDBY/POWER BUTTON: Press this button to
operate the amplifier. Press again to place the amplifier in Standby mode.
light will illuminate when the amplifier is operational. When the light is not
illuminated, all amplifier inputs are muted and internal circuitry reverts to
power-saving (Standby) mode.
NOTE: All ON/OFF power switching should be initiated ONLY with this button. The amplier
should not be disconnected from AC power without rst placing the amplier in Standby mode.
When connecting or disconnecting speaker or interconnect cables, the
amplifier should be placed in Standby mode (blue POWER INDICATOR
LED on the front panel OFF) or the AC mains power plug should be
removed from the amplifier.
(A) BALANCED INPUTS: If you are using balanced XLR interconnects
from your preamplifier or source component, position the INPUT
(C) UNBALANCED INPUTS: If you are using unbalanced RCA intercon-
position the INPUT SELECT switches to UNBALANCED INPUT.
Connect the corresponding interconnect cables to either the BALANCED
INPUTS (A) or UNBALANCED INPUTS (C) on each channel. Both RCA
and XLR inputs cannot be used for the same channel simultaneously.
For example, an unbalanced output connection from a surround
processor and a balanced output connection from a CD player cannot
both be connected to the same channel at the same time.
A slight
mechanical click may be heard when the balanced XLR inter-
connect cables are correctly installed and locked. The unlocking tab
on the input connector and labeled “PUSH”) must be pressed
disconnect the XLR interconnect cable from the amplifier.